Philosophy of Kung Fu

I have always wanted to learn Kung fu but that never happened, mostly because I was never the athletic type. So for a long time thought that I might have to carry this regret of not getting to know kung fu for the rest of my life until I learned its true meaning.

Originally, to practice kung fu did not just mean to practice Chinese martial arts. Instead, it referred to the process of one’s training – the strengthening of the body and the mind, the learning and the perfection of one’s skills – rather than to what was being trained. It refers to excellence achieved through long practice in any endeavor. A practice that required energy, time and above all patience to complete. Wow!!! Isn’t it?

So kung fu was not lost from my life after all. It’s there when I sit to play the piano, when I write to make a difference in people’s lives and mine.

Sir Edmund Hillary said ‘It’s not the mountains that we conquer but ourselves’. The true master dwells within. And I’m just trying to free it.

Published by niv at sky

Internationally Certified Results Coach and Entrepreneur, I hold a master's degree in psychology as well as social work with a background in mental health. Beyond my professional journey, I embrace life as a hopeless romantic, finding beauty in every moment. Amidst life's complexities, I firmly believe it's a magnificent journey. As I have embarked on a soul-searching odyssey, I invite you to join me on this profound exploration. As a writer and musician, I eagerly anticipate sharing the melodies and stories that unfold on our collective adventure. Let's embark on this enriching journey together.

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